Thursday, April 24, 2014

QCOR Project 5

Graeme Pischke


Hist. Phil. Science

Dr. Levin

QCOR Project 5
If I got anything out of the mural project experience, I would say I got a fun and unique experience that I hadn't gotten out of an academic class before. Painting a mural about scientific progression was a great way to tie an academic science course back to the purpose of going to an arts college, which is actually learning to make art. 
The mural was also a very fun design to paint. After seeing the end result, I was glad to be a part of it. Seeing it start in the prehistoric age with the discovery of fire and lead all the up to the who-knows-how-distant future was a very clever and pleasing concept. The last panel perfectly captures the promises as well as the fears of the unknown future of mankind. 
Overall I think the main thing that I got out of doing the mural was a fun way to apply my new found knowledge of scientific history in a way that is appropriate for an artist. It was a unique experience that I hope comes along again in a future academic class of mine. I would gladly welcome the chance to do something like this again as part of a team.

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