Friday, March 7, 2014

Walking the "mural walk"

On Wednesday March 26th, our 6th graders walked around the downtown arts district to look at the different murals. 
Here are some pictures of our walk and reflections by 6th grade students.

"It was fun to walk around the city.  It was cool to see a little doodle on a piece of paper become a giant piece of artwork for everyone to enjoy and love." Area

"The mural walk was very cool because Laura Lashley was the lady who made some of the murals we saw.  Some of the murals looked flowy and old-fashioned.  Some of them looked cool and futuristic." Gabriel

"I liked all of them (murals) because they were flowy, one was like a big !Bang!, others were detailed and one was all squary." Jacob

"Some of the things that I saw really inspired me.  Sometimes I would think, I draw doodles like this all the time.  Maybe one day I'll end up painting a mural of my own." Gary

"I really like the murals that we saw, especially the tree where we had to find all the little objects.  I also liked the mural on the side of the Chronicle building, because the people were more realistic, but the overall mural was kind of abstract." Una

"I loved the Marilyn Monroe one with the collage, because it immortalized the pop culture history and combined it with current events using the newspaper in the collage.  I also really liked the tree on Liberty street because it had the different aspects of Winston-Salem.  It expressed important pieces of our downtown arts district." Marley

"My favorite was the gumball machine one, because it reminds me of a quote that says something about life is not to be wasted, so live it to the fullest.  This painting looked like the life was spilling out of him, like he was kind of wasting it."  Abby

"It was really interesting to see the different styles of each artist.  My favorite was Ms. Lashley's because it was very flowery." Sierra Grace

"My favorite mural was created by Ms. Lashley.  She used such bright and exotic colors.  The design looks like this big, beautiful sun is climbing up into the sky, waking everyone up and saying, "Wake up!  Today is a new day and it is going to be the best day." " Madeline

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